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LR1111 cant get it started!

Dear, I downloaded the App , activated the tracker and saw LoRaWAN device EUI 0016c001f0005e01, join EUI 0016c001fffe0001 then the LR1110

Let me know how to proceed further as I can see the
DEV EUI : 0016C001F0005E01
APP UI 0016C001FFFE0001
Ok, I managed to claim the device…


“gw_id”: “eui-504953004fd8e4a3”,
“payload”: “AAEA/v8BwBYAAV4A8AHAFgBGACykRlw=”,
“dev_eui”: “0016C001F0005E01”,
“lora”: {
“spreading_factor”: 8,
“bandwidth”: 125,
“air_time”: 113152000
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“timestamp”: “2021-03-02T19:02:36.693Z”,
“rssi”: -90,
“snr”: 11,
“app_eui”: “0016C001FFFE0001”,
“frequency”: 868300000


You should edit your post ASAP and remove your PIN as anyone can claim your device.

Then you can find a user guide here to setup the Device Join server and extract your device AppKey


Thx, receiving some frames

How can i integrate with cayenne and other dashboards ?

Well, I see the frames but when I decode the payload nothing: null

Is there a decoder for the lr1110?


It seems that your are looking in the gateway side, please open the application page to have decrypted frames.

Regarding integrations please have a look at TTN documentation
You might also want to read the Modem-E walk-through teaching how to setup a Node-RED Application Server in order to get location resolutions and display them on a map. Otherwise all the steps related to LoRaCloud DAS (streaming, parsing of the data, geolocation) are already integrated in TTNv3 thanks to the DAS application package