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SX1262 reduced RX sensitivity / packet reception fails


We have a problem with the SX1262 chip. Consider the following test setup: we have two receivers and one transmitter configured in SF10 LoRa mode and arrange them in such a way that the receive signal strength is around -105dBm or lower. The transmitter sends packets periodically. In the beginning, both receivers can successfully receive packets, but after some time - a few minutes to hours - one (or sometimes both) stop receiving.
Once a receiver is in this “stuck” state, it can be recovered by sending a message with a stronger signal (around -80dBm is sufficient). So it looks like the receiver sensitivity is reduced for no apparent reason.
In the “stuck” state, the receiver is still in RX mode according to SX126xGetStatus(). No interrupts are pending (RF_DIO1 is low) and no error flags are set.

After several days of debugging we came to the conclusion that it appears to be a hardware issue with the SX1262 chip.
Did anyone else experience the same issue?

It would be great if someone from Semtech could look into this…


Can you please share the whole configuration so I can try reproduce on my bench? Basically, I need the parameters sent through SetModulationParams / SetPacketParams / SetTxParams.

Some questions:

  • Are you using “Rx continuous” mode?
  • What are the activated interrupts (Rx done, timeout, etc.)?


The issue occurs in RX continuous mode as well as in regular RX mode without timeout.
All interrupts are active and handled appropriately.
The settings we use:

      0,   // BW
      10,  // datarate
      1,   // coding rate
      0,   // AFC Bandwidth (FSK only, not used with SX126x)
      10,  // preamble length
      0,   // timeout
      false,  // implicit header mode
      0,      // implicit header mode length
      true,   // CRC on
      false,  // no FHSS
      0,      // FHSS period
      false,  // iqInverted
      true    // continuous RX

Library function:

void RadioSetRxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth,
                         uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate,
                         uint32_t bandwidthAfc, uint16_t preambleLen,
                         uint16_t symbTimeout, bool fixLen,
                         uint8_t payloadLen,
                         bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod,
                         bool iqInverted, bool rxContinuous )
    RxContinuous = rxContinuous;

    if( rxContinuous == true )
        symbTimeout = 0;
    if( fixLen == true )
        MaxPayloadLength = payloadLen;
        MaxPayloadLength = 0xFF;

    switch( modem )
        case MODEM_FSK:
            SX126xSetStopRxTimerOnPreambleDetect( false );
            SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK;

            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.BitRate = datarate;
            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.ModulationShaping = MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_1;
            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.Bandwidth = RadioGetFskBandwidthRegValue( bandwidth );

            SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleLength = ( preambleLen << 3 ); // convert byte into bit
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleMinDetect = RADIO_PREAMBLE_DETECTOR_08_BITS;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.SyncWordLength = GfskSyncWordLength << 3; // convert byte into bit
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.AddrComp = RADIO_ADDRESSCOMP_FILT_OFF;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.HeaderType = ( fixLen == true ) ? RADIO_PACKET_FIXED_LENGTH : RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength;
            if( crcOn == true )
                SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_2_BYTES_CCIT;
                SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_OFF;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.DcFree = GfskWhitening;

            RadioStandby( );
            RadioSetModem( MODEM_FSK );
            SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams );
            SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams );
            SX126xSetSyncWord( GfskSyncWord );
            SX126xSetWhiteningSeed( 0x01FF );

            RxTimeout = ( uint32_t )symbTimeout * 8000UL / datarate;

        case MODEM_LORA:
            SX126xSetStopRxTimerOnPreambleDetect( false );
            SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA;
            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor = ( RadioLoRaSpreadingFactors_t )datarate;
            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth = Bandwidths[bandwidth];
            SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate = ( RadioLoRaCodingRates_t )coderate;

            if( ( ( bandwidth == 0 ) && ( ( datarate == 11 ) || ( datarate == 12 ) ) ) ||
                ( ( bandwidth == 1 ) && ( datarate == 12 ) ) )
                SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x01;
                SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x00;

            SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA;

            // NOTE: do not increase preamble length to 12 for SF5 and SF6 if it is below 12

            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = preambleLen;

            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType = ( RadioLoRaPacketLengthsMode_t )fixLen;

            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.CrcMode = ( RadioLoRaCrcModes_t )crcOn;
            SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.InvertIQ = ( RadioLoRaIQModes_t )iqInverted;

            RadioStandby( );
            RadioSetModem( MODEM_LORA );
            SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams );
            SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams );
            SX126xSetLoRaSymbNumTimeout( symbTimeout );

            // WORKAROUND - Optimizing the Inverted IQ Operation, see DS_SX1261-2_V1.2 datasheet chapter 15.4
            if( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.InvertIQ == LORA_IQ_INVERTED )
                // RegIqPolaritySetup = @address 0x0736
                SX126xWriteRegister( 0x0736, SX126xReadRegister( 0x0736 ) & ~( 1 << 2 ) );
                // RegIqPolaritySetup @address 0x0736
                SX126xWriteRegister( 0x0736, SX126xReadRegister( 0x0736 ) | ( 1 << 2 ) );
            // WORKAROUND END

            // Timeout Max, Timeout handled directly in SetRx function
            RxTimeout = 0x0;


@ mantoine
did you have time to look into this?

Sorry for the delay.

Few questions:

  • Can you please define periodically?
  • Are both receivers stuck at the same time?
  • Do you see the issue after a specific number of sent packets?
  • The periodicity doesn’t really matter. In our tests we usually use a random delay of 5 to 60s between two packets.
  • Yes, we have indeed observed that both receivers often get stuck at the very same time (but it is not always the case).
  • No, there is no clear correlation to the number of sent/received packets (it can happen after a couple packets or only after hundreds of packets).

Any update on this?

I am still not able to reproduce the issue you see - keep on trying.

Few more questions:

  • Are you using a TCXO or a XTAL for the SX1262?
  • On the Tx side, what is the preamble length?
  • On the Tx side, what is the payload length?
  • What is the LoRa syncword (private / public)?
  • Do you perform your test in conducted or radiated mode?

Thanks for the reply. I assume you placed the transmitter and receiver far apart such that the RSSI is worse than -105dBm, otherwise the issue will no appear.

We are using the XTAL.
Preamble length is the same on the TX side as on the receiver side (10).
We chose the payload length randomly in our experiments, so anything from I think 4 to 64 bytes.
LoRa syncword is “private”.
We use a real transmitter and receiver and place them 50m apart, indoors (if that’s what you are asking in the last question).

I had a very similar problem on the SX1276 in GFSK mode. It is not the same chip or mode, but this sounds like exactly the sort of behavior I had. In my case the issue comes about if the device starts receiving another packet, with another sync word. My workaround was to constantly monitor the flags on the Lora module to determine when a preamble was detected, but a sync match was not, ( you have to give enough time for it to receive the sync word after the preamble detection bit becomes true). If a valid sync word is not received after a short time I reset the gfsk receiver. This solved the problem for me on the SX1276.

My theory about what is happening is that the AGC gain gets fixed by the first preamble that it receives. It should, but appears not to, allow the gain to adjust when the packet with the wrong sync word is received. So if there is a source of packets with another sync word that has a very high signal strength, it will not receive any packet with a significantly lower signal strength as the AGC gain will be set so low that the receiver will never pick up much weaker packets. This may well not be the correct reason for this behavior as other issues could result in the same behavior, but this seemed most likely to me.

I would like to echo keepcoding’s findings.

We have a similar setup. LoRA with the SX1262 chip. Settings are similar so I wont repeat them.

When the receiver RSSI is at ~-105 dBm or lower, the receiver sometimes locks up. Only much more powerful transmission will then be received, exactly like keepcoding pointed out.

An additional piece of information: the instantaneous RSSI climbs predictably to ~-60 dBm and never recovers.

Our workaround so far has been to reset the radio when this condition happens. Unfortunately this means that exactly when we have the weakest link budget, we are often resetting the radio and missing packets.

Do you mean that you have to toggle the RESET pin? Going through StandBy mode does not solve the issue?

Actually, we do a SetFs() and then RxBoosted(). So it’s almost as if some AGC or something similar needs to be reset.

I have a similar problem, it occurs with any strong out-of-band signal.
In my device (on SX1268 + TCXO at 433Mhz.), the problem appears in LoRa Rx continuous mode and at any values of SF and BW. The decrease in sensitivity occurs due to the operation of another closely located radio transmitter on an adjacent frequency. It can be the transmitter of another radio module, walkie talkie or car radio alarm. The decrease in sensitivity occurs by approximately 25-30dBm and is fixed (freezes) even after turning off the radio transmitters. The sensitivity is restored only after restarting the SX1268 receiver. In the GFSK Rx continuous mode on the SX1268 chip and in the LoRa Rx continuous mode on the SX1276 chip, the problem does not appear.
To simulate this problem:

  1. Switch the SX1268 to LoRa Rx continuous mode, BW_125, SF_10, 433.100Mhz, Rx Boosted gain.
  2. Display the RSSI value with constant updating (for example, the value will be -120dBm).
  3. Turn on another radio transmitter at a frequency of 433.300 five times with a duration of two seconds and a pause of one second. The distance between transmitter and receiver is 1 meter.
  4. Change the frequency of another radio transmitter to 433.500Mhz and repeat.
  5. Change the frequency of another radio transmitter to 433.700Mhz and repeat.
  6. Change the frequency of another radio transmitter to 434.000Mhz and repeat.

At some point, the receiver sensitivity will decrease by about 25-30dBm and the RSSI value will remain constant at -95dBm even after the transmitter is turned off. The sensitivity is restored only after restarting the SX1268 receiver. This problem will manifest itself at other frequencies of the receiver and transmitter. I think the problem in SX1268 is related to RF AGC gain.

I have the same problem on my device.

When you ‘restart’ what exactly do you mean, just run a re-configure or clearing all config with the NRESET pin ?

We set the mode to SetFs() and then RxBoosted().

Ouch. The “AFC/AFC getting stuck off-frequency and/or at low gain” is such a “signature feature” of semtech radios :sleepy:. I’ve fought this in every sx1231 driver and sx1276 FSK driver I’ve written. I was hoping not to need this in LoRa mode, but with 3 people confirming the problem I guess here we are…

How do you detect this condition? In FSK mode I use the RSSI threshold interrupt to set a timer at the expiration of which I check whether the chip is still stuck waiting for a preamble or sync, but in LoRa mode there is no such thing. Is the Preamble Detected interrupt the thing to use?

On a related side note: my experience is that polling the chip for status (such as polling for RX done) also desensitizes the sx1276. I don’t know whether this is due to PCB layout or noise internal to the chip. But the upshot is that any solution to the stuck AFC/AGC that involves polling is unattractive…

We aren’t doing the smartest thing. We have a simple rule that states if the RSSI is above a certain threshold and we haven’t received a packet in a defined period, do a SetFs() and then RxBoosted().

It’s not elegant, but it mostly works. The radio can jam multiple times in a short period in which case the “resets” only help somewhat.

It’s interesting that you mention polling can desensitize the receiver. We are polling and not relying/using the interrupt pin. I would be amazed if the SPI chatter is causing this - but at this point I’m out of ideas.

By the way, this isn’t happening with only a single unit. This is happening to ALL the units we have tested.

I can confirm that the 1276 chip does not have this problem in LORA mode.